April, the Month of the Military Child.

military kid

It’s April again and that means two things: income taxes are due on the 15th and it’s the Month of the Military Child.  We all know about taxes but not everyone knows about military children. Here’s a quick sketch. There are approximately two million children whose parents serve in our Active Duty forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) or in the U.S. Reserve Forces or the National Guard.  Surprising to some, military kids live in almost every zip code in every state in our Nation.  Since our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen are relatively young compared to the rest of our population it follows that their children are younger as well. About 76% of them are under 12 years of age.

Children of active duty parents move three times more often than their civilian counterparts and when their parents make a career of military service these children experience anywhere from 6 to 9 moves during their school-age years.

Almost 2 million of these children, with Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard parents, have experienced parental deployments to combat zones and many have the experience multiple times as they grow up. Over half of military children will choose to follow their parents’ careers and make a military career for themselves when they graduate from high school or college.

At the Military Child Education Coalition we work every day to find ways to support these children and their parents, to educate communities and institutions about the challenges they face, and to help our military children and their families thrive. You can read their words here and learn more about how you can support them on their website.  Military kids are just like every other American youngster and, like their parents, they serve too. So on April 15th make sure you pay your taxes and then Purple Up for Military Kids!

The Military Child Education Coalition is a proud sponsor of the Service Member to Civilian Summit, a national conference designed to bring together service members, veterans, their families, and community stakeholders to meet with advocates, researchers, clinicians, educators, and policymakers from around the nation. The Summit will take place at the Bryant Conference Center, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama on April 16 – 17, 2015. More information on our website militarytransition.ua.edu .

Article by David F. Splitek, Ph.D . David is the program manager in charge of Higher Education Initiatives for the Military Child Education Coalition. He is also Senior Lecturer in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies for The University of Texas in San Antonio.

David Splitek Ph.D

“Your Uncle Billy is coming home soon,” that’s what I was told as a child in 1969.

uncle billy

Deployed home—no more exciting words for military family members. As an 11-year-old child in 1969, I was told that my beloved Uncle Billy was coming home from his second tour of duty as an army signal corpsman in Vietnam. During his first tour of duty, it seemed to me that he was only on a short vacation learning how to ski in Colorado and ice skating with the famous Peggy Fleming.  I promise he insisted that he had a date with her (where they ice skated).  I soon learned the truth and reality that being in Vietnam was drastically different from state side service.  Every evening as the nightly news came on during supper time, my daddy insisted that no one talk so he could hear reports of the casualties and war activities.  This was a stressful time one that I’m sure is probably more compounded today with 24/7 news availability through so many media forms.  At the time, we craved news, but now I understand how then no news was good news.

When my parents told their four daughters that Uncle Billy was coming home, I initially thought my parents meant that he was coming home for a short visit and would have to return to Vietnam. My parents and grandmother assured me that this time his arrival home was different as he was coming home “for good.” I was skeptical, but immediately began to plan how I would be the first one to see him.  Being the second born of four daughters, I always aspired to be the first or the best at whatever I tried to do.  I would be the first one to see him!  Now how was an 11-year-old child going to make that happen?  So, I went to my thinking tree, the great big mimosa tree in our front yard.  My tree often served as a refuge to escape from three sisters, one of those a special needs sibling with a pugnacious personality, and where I would read books or just think.  While thinking about my self-imposed challenge of how I had to be the first one to see my Uncle Billy when he came home, I peered high off from my perch in the mimosa tree and soon realized that I was sitting in the answer to my dilemma.  I’d climb my mimosa tree on the day that Uncle Billy was scheduled to come home so I could be the one to first see the car as it made its way from the high point of the street we lived on aptly named High Point Drive.  So on the appointed day, April 1969, I couldn’t wait until I got home from school.  The school bus ride home seemed longer than normal.

Despite being told that his arrival was still a couple of hours later, I went immediately to my tree, climbed up, and waited and waited.  Unfortunately, his arrival home was delayed due to a mechanical problem with the plane.  I had to be “dragged” out of the tree.  I was not happy!  My plan had failed.  I hardly slept at all that night wondering when I would see him.  The next day word came through a telephone call to my grandmother’s house that Uncle Billy’s plane was diverted back to Mississippi and his arrival time was as yet unknown.  So, I went to my mimosa tree and sulked, cried, and generally expressed my hurt and disappointment.  My tree “listened” and brought comfort to an otherwise inconsolable child.  After two days of angst, I was worn out and sleep came easy.  I awakened the next morning to learn that Uncle Billy had indeed arrived home in the middle of the night and that I was NOT the first one to see him.  Understandably, his mother, my grandmother and my daddy got that honor—they deserved it.  I learned that it didn’t matter that I didn’t see him first.  Once I saw his smiling face, I was simply happy to have him home and secure in knowing he was safe from the far away mystery of Vietnam and the fear and angst that the nightly news reports gave of casualties.

For the next forty years, he was a strong influence in my life challenging me to be first in my love of God, family, country, and always for my Uncle Billy.  Six years ago on October 22, 2009, Uncle Billy, flew to his Heavenly reward after an eleven year battle with cancer.  No one fought harder to beat cancer and the ravages of Agent Orange that he did. I’m happy he’s free from the effects of post-traumatic stress too which at the time of his deployment home in 1969 was unknown, untitled, and horribly misunderstood. I’m looking forward to seeing him again one day healed from that horrible malady and the ravages of cancer.  I won’t care if I’m not the first one to see him this time, just so I get to.

Article by Brenda H. Truelove, M.A, program manager at Bama At Work. Her training and development training portfolio with the College of Continuing Studies includes the manufacturing and technology sectors with special emphasis on Maintenance and Supply Chain Management for industries and service professionals. She is also the Program Manager in charge of the Service Member to Civilian Summit.

Brenda Truelove

This testimonial is the third one we received in our #DeployedHome campaign. #DeployedHome is an effort created by Bama At Work to help share the stories of returning veterans and how they have made it through their struggles. This campaign is part of the Service Member to Civilian Summit’s effort to bring together service members, veterans, their families, and community stakeholders to meet with advocates, researchers, clinicians, educators, and policymakers from around the nation, They want  to better understand and explore ways that all stakeholders can improve the transition from military service to civilian life.Through the use of #DeployedHome we hope that many of these veterans will see how their fellow soldiers have made it through and can see that they aren’t alone in this battle. If you are interested in participating, you can also submit your transition stories on our website militarytransition.ua.edu .

We invite veterans to tell us their story using #DeployedHome on Facebook and/or Twitter. We want to let our veterans know they are not alone, and there is still hope for them to overcome any challenge they may be facing.

In the Process of Healing Others, I Have Healed.

In the Process of Healing Others, I Have Healed.

I am a Behavioral Health Officer for the U.S. Army.  I served in Iraq during “the surge” as a combat stress provider, providing mental health services at FOB Liberty’s “Restoration Clinic”, a Psychiatric facility that provided overnight care for front line soldiers to decompress from combat, receive group and individual counseling, and return to duty.  I also counseled soldiers in Iraq individually. For the last half of my tour I was the Officer in Charge of the Combat Stress Prevention Team in the Green Zone (International Zone), covering downtown Baghdad units and outlying COPs (outposts). Rockets fell from the sky dozens of times a day, and I was constantly dodging these rockets.

In May of 2008, suddenly I was home… and 3 weeks later we had our 3rd child, a newborn son. Sitting in rooms, or walking through parking lots, I would hear the warning sirens of the incoming rockets and see explosions around me…. So, I walked into my nearest Vet Center.  A Vet Center counselor helped me realize what I was experiencing (even though I myself had done that thousands of times for soldiers downrange) and helped me process what was happening to me.  For me, spiritual attunement to Christ, and the healing power of him and a community of faith and fellow believers was actually what helped my combat stress normalize after my return home.  I returned to teaching at a Bible college and knew that I needed to help the soldiers again.  In April of 2009, I was hired by the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs as a Care Manager for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Part of my daily healthy transition is helping others along their journey and connect with the healing resources that they need to stabilize… I’ve built relationships with local community colleges and universities… local companies ready to hire veterans… and local non-profit organizations. We’ve built a network of public and community resources to address the “whole health” of our veterans.. in their physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and relationship dimensions of fitness.  In the process of healing others… I have healed, with the help of God.. and country.  ”

Article by Chris Atkins, LCSW, BCD OEF/OIF/OND, Care Manager for the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Social Work Service at the Chattanooga Outpatient Clinic. 

This testimonial is the second one we received in our #DeployedHome campaign. #DeployedHome is an effort created by Bama At Work to help share the stories of returning veterans and how they have made it through their struggles. This campaign is part of the Service Member to Civilian Summit’s effort to bring together service members, veterans, their families, and community stakeholders to meet with advocates, researchers, clinicians, educators, and policymakers from around the nation, They want  to better understand and explore ways that all stakeholders can improve the transition from military service to civilian life.Through the use of #DeployedHome we hope that many of these veterans will see how their fellow soldiers have made it through and can see that they aren’t alone in this battle. If you are interested in participating, you can also submit your transition stories on our website militarytransition.ua.edu .

We invite veterans to tell us their story using #DeployedHome on Facebook and/or Twitter. We want to let our veterans know they are not alone, and there is still hope for them to overcome any challenge they may be facing.


Being Deployed Home : The last Mission.


What do I do now? It’s probably the most important question service members ask themselves when they are deployed home. The transition from uniformed duty to civilian status is not just a change of jobs. It’s the start of what could be the hardest mission: going home. According to a nationwide poll of veterans conducted by The Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation, more than half of veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan said their adjustment to civilian life was difficult. They cited various reasons, from struggles in finding a good job to inadequate assistance from the government.

#DeployedHome is an effort created by Bama At Work to help share the stories of returning veterans and how they have made it through their struggles. This campaign is part of the Service Member to Civilian Summit’s effort to bring together service members, veterans, their families, and community stakeholders to meet with advocates, researchers, clinicians, educators, and policymakers from around the nation, They want  to better understand and explore ways that all stakeholders can improve the transition from military service to civilian life.

Veterans who have survived Al Qaeda, roadside bombs, land mines and death of their fellow soldiers are now struggling to put their lives back together. In the 13 years since American troops first deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, more than 2.6 million veterans have returned to a country that was not fully prepared to meet their needs.

Through the use of #DeployedHome we hope that many of these veterans will see how their fellow soldiers have made it through and can see that they aren’t alone in this battle. If you are interested in participating, you can also submit your transition stories on our website militarytransition.ua.edu .

We invite veterans to tell us their story using #DeployedHome on Facebook and/or Twitter. We want to let our veterans know they are not alone, and there is still hope for them to overcome any challenge they may be facing.

Article by Leroy Hurt and Kevin Lake. Leroy is the Associate Dean for the Professional Development and Community Engagement at The University of Alabama.He is also a retired U.S. Army officer. Kevin is the Communications Specialist for The University of Alabama College of Continuing Studies.

Leroy Hurt   Kevin Lake